Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good elearning example by Lectora

Part of my informal education in instructional design includes learning from examples, both good and bad. Obviously, I try to recreate the good things I see and avoid the not-so-good in my own projects.

Here is an example of elearning by Lectora that I find particularly effective and well done. I guess if you're in the elearning business then your elearning better be pretty darn good. To view the elearning, you'll have to go to the Trivantis website and click the View Tutorials button. I'm not promoting the product, and have never used it, but find the training is interesting and easy to grasp. It's broken down into very short snippets of about 23-30 seconds each that can be navigated, viewed and reviewed separately. I also like the way the agent speaks in the front while the application tips are displayed in the background. Haven't seen this technique used before and, at first glance, I liked it.

I'd be interested to hear any thoughts on this example or any others you've come across.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Twitter training and update

Over the last few weeks, we've been busy learning Plone 3 for our new website and responding to clients requests for instructional design services. Hence, I've neglected the blog once again.

To make amends, I'll leave you with a short video from my e-learning heroes at Common Craft. This time they are explaining Twitter: a tool for quickly spreading personal newsflashes, but I use it mainly to learn about industry-specific news and trends. Keep 'em coming!